Plus Seven: Google+, YouTube and Five New Editions

Inside Flipboard / June 22, 2012


[This version of the post lives on Inside Flipboard—IOS edition.]

Today’s update brings two new services and five new international editions to the Flipboard experience.

Now you can connect your Google+ account to Flipboard and see all the activity in your Circles in a beautiful magazine format. You can “+1” (Google’s version of “like”) any post from within Flipboard or tap the status update to share, comment and reply.

You can also connect your YouTube channel to Flipboard, making video browsing feel more like reading a magazine. Flip through your subscriptions, uploads and favorites, or enjoy popular feeds like Most Viewed, Trending Videos and Top Favorites. (We’ll have tips and tricks on using Google+ and YouTube on Flipboard in this blog in the coming days.)

Flipboard fans in Germany, Italy, Korea, Netherlands and Spain now have a fully translated interface and tons of regional recommendations curated by native speakers. Anyone can explore great content from around the world by tapping on the red ribbon, tapping “This Week” and selecting your Content Guide Edition.

Finally, for people who have Android phones, Flipboard is now available in the Google Play Store as a free download. You’ll also find it in app stores for Kindle and NOOK.

Happy flipping,
~The Flipboard Team