Parents (Magazine) Does Understand…And Launches on Flipboard

Inside Flipboard / June 15, 2012

As anyone with kids knows, they’re both the most rewarding—and maddening—creatures on Earth. One minute the heart swells with blind adoration; the next, they’re wreaking havoc on the house, each other, your pocketbook and your nerves. It’s a pendulum of experiences and emotions.

To help moms and dads survive (and enjoy!) the ride is Parents Magazine. For the last 86 years, the magazine has reported on developments in child rearing, including child health, safety, behavior, discipline and education. And since carving out time for yourself is an equally important part of being good parent, there are also articles on what matters to parents as couples and as individuals: marriage advice, nutrition information, beauty tips and testimonials like “Always 2nd Guessing Myself as a Parent” letting you know you’re not alone.

Tap the badge below to check it out. After all, it’s the perfect excuse to take a break from the kids.
