Happy Lunar New Year! More Chinese Reading Hits the Content Guide
Inside Flipboard / January 23, 2012

As the Year of the Dragon kicks off, we wanted to offer a gift to Chinese readers. We’ve added dozens more reading recommendations to our Content Guide for China, but also we’re rolling out two new Content Guides for users in Taiwan and Hong Kong today. All three Guides feature special feeds in honor of the Chinese New Year.
Anyone who has their iPad or iPhone region set to Taiwan or Hong Kong will automatically receive the local edition of their Content Guide when they tap on the red ribbon in the top right corner of the app. To switch back to the previous guide, set your device’s country setting to United States. (Soon we’ll be making it easier to browse recommendations for different countries within Flipboard itself.) Readers in China can download Flipboard’s unique Chinese app here; people in Hong Kong and Taiwan can use the worldwide edition.
If there’s something you think should be featured in any of these Guides, please send your suggestions to featured@flipboard.com. And of course, let us know what you think of these new additions.
Gung Hay Fat Choy!